Thursday, June 28, 2012


I need to do great works not sketches...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Do you know how water burns??

its a lot different from boiling.
water burns quietly.
water burns almost invisibly.
water never burn out.
when water burns, its infinite.
like a black sun.

its burning water.
Black and White.
Darkness and Light.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

these are what I am working on lately

for aliens!!
connection with all kind of interdimentional beings,
protection provided by aliens, purifier....

moldavite on the top

copper bronze
sterling silver

magical item on my sleeping back...

Eye of sparrow

this is like
magic +30
mp +50

laboradorite cabs

copper bronze
sterling silver
 Key to open Portal!!
from brass sheets.
synchronizer Receiver...
copper and brass...

 Synchronizer container
send the information、energy and vibration inside of container to the receiver

made by copper sheet and copper wire



I am no longer able to use studio but I will keep work with wires!!
Some day I will get the studio setup and make awesome objects and magical items, until then Im gonna keep sketching and use wire and pliers, the ancient techniques!!

I try to find good combinations of crystals to help and guide our way. 
Crystals are awesome!!! very powerful tool from mother nature.
I add my imagination and intention when I make them, these are all hand coiled and hand made by my hand.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

you create this universe, this universe creates you.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I am a just a vehicle. Its just a ride.  Last ride,,, so let's make it to beautiful ride and do what we need.

Friday, June 1, 2012