Tuesday, November 23, 2010

money game

けど本当にそうなのか 今のこのシステムで本当にみんなが幸せになれるのか
先進国の日本のみんなは十分幸せなのかもしれない けど地球規模でみたらどうなんだろう
地球環境おかまいなしに利益のため自然をぶち壊す僕ら人間 そのアルミ缶やダイアモンドや木、食料、ゴールド、ビニール袋、ナイキの靴やサッカーボール、洋服、100円ショップの品物、まわりのものすべてどうやってここに来たのか考えたことはありますか?

in this Babylon(capitalistic) system,
seller try to sell more expensive and
buyer try to buy cheaper, as much as they can.
Some people said that "life is all about money" when I interview in the city.
we need money to live, especially when we get children.
but is it really?? is this system can make them all happy??
yes we are happy, mostly people in japan. but what about others on the earth.
greedy corporations make products in poor country and sell them expensive in developed country. we people do not give a fuck about nature, and destroy for profit.
do you guys ever think where and how those cans, diamonds, gold, woods, foods, plastic bag, nike shoes and balls, clothing, a dollar shop, everything surrounding us
, come from??
It is because of us that mother earth is pissed off.

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